Kieran Russell

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Copper Coast 

Photography  has became a hobby of mine for the last few years, stemming from the purchase of an entry level DSLR to capture the early years of my kids lives. This progressed into an interest in landscape photography and particularly black and white photography. 

My main playground is the Copper Coast in Waterford as I live close by. It’s an region full of interesting coves and beaches and I feel is one of the most beautiful stretches of coastline in Ireland. This website will also contain images captured around Ireland as my travels allow.

The objective of this blog is to simply put down on paper my experiences while taking these images and some discussion on the decisions I took, description of locations and some other random taught along the way. This blog may also help me to publish more of my images rather than just leaving them on the hard drive, forgotten about unedited. I will probably keep my Gallery page to what I consider as my stronger images and then try and update and refresh these as I hopefully progress.  Hopefully the practice of writing a brief commentary on shooting certain locations may aid in my own progression and also the process of critiquing my own work.


With family and work commitments I don’t get a chance to get out with the camera very often and more often than not it’s for an hour or two usually carefully planned to get the most of the time available. I hope to include information about tides, accessibility and direction of light when I describe a location and I hope it would be of interest to anyone who wants to visit a particular location referenced.

I am happy to help if anyone wants to drop me a line in the contact / about page if you have any questions. I am always very interested to see what another photographer's take is on a location and to see what other compositions are possible with fresh eyes. This kind of information is fairly rare from what I can find when scouting out locations online.   


I will probably go through a backlog of images for the first few months and populate the galleries and put up a few blog posts covering locations visited over the last few years. I very much welcome any comments, criticism, critique or suggestions both on the photography and the website. I am using this as a learning tool more than anything else and greatly appreciate any comments.

First up on the blog posts is a commentary on one particular image taken on Tra Na Mbo on the Copper Coast and also the other features  on this beach. 

Thanks for reading,
